Dania Beach, FL Lifestyle Family Photography | The W Family

While I’ve found joy in self portraiture during the pandemic, it feels SO good to have my So You families back in front of my camera for their annual family photos! And this is one of the families who have been with me the longest. It’s so amazing to have watched them grow from looking for the teenage mutant ninja turtles in front of the house, to a gender reveal for baby #3, her newborn session, and the annual progression since!! This year, their love and joy were as exuberant as ever, and I cannot tell you how many times I oohed, awe’d, and gushed over this year’s selection of photos!

Covid-19 Days 121 - 175 | Social Distancing | Stay Home | A Daily Photo Diary

We’ve been at this long enough where it’s starting to feel like a new norm. This group of 55 days saw most of summer. I settled into a rhythm of going to the gym with my mask or swimming laps nightly after work, bracketed by weekends spent on the water paddleboarding or at the beach. I’m spending time on the computer connecting with new friends and catching up on projects that need attention. The kids went back to school, and days are getting shorter. I’m still documenting how all of this looks and feels.

For days 61-120 click here.
For days 31-60 click here.
For days 1-30 click here.

Covid-19 Quarantine Days 61-120 | Social Distancing | Stay Home | A Daily Photo Diary

We have been at this for 60 more days. During this time, we had some more ups and downs at home, an amazing RV vacation to Virginia, and I almost gave up on this project when we came home and numbers in our home state of Florida were starting to rise. I was depressed. I struggled. And then I returned to this project because finding and documenting joy every day was helping. Covid sucks. I miss humans. I miss photographing mitzvahs. I miss my cubicle! I miss travel by plane and concerts and theater and giving my parents hugs. Covid has stripped away all of life’s extras, and left us with the essentials. And I miss the extras. Through finding joy in the essentials, and the extra in the ordinary, I am redefining happiness and meaning and connection. Here’s what I saw the past 2 months.

For days 31-60 click here.
For days 1-30 click here.

For days 121-175, click here.

Jared's Bar Mitzvah | Kol Tikvah Parkland Covid Mitzvah Photographer

My first mitzvah since the pandemic started, and it was different than before, but no less spiritual or beautiful. Only immediate family and clergy were present, and family and friends participated virtually via Zoom and drove by in a car parade after the service. 

And it was in this way, that Jared was called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah, making the transition from Jewish boy to man. He carried the Torah around the mostly empty congregation, waving to those on the computer as he walked by, he read from the Torah, he was blessed by the rabbi and his parents, and as much as we missed the opportunity to celebrate the old way, I think we all got a bit of a reminder of what's really important, and I'm honored to have been able to capture that. 

I know the event profession has been shattered by this virus, and as we start to come together again, I'm there. To capture the so you moments as they evolve.

Covid-19 Quarantine Days 31-60 | Social Distancing | Stay Home | A Daily Photo Diary

We have experienced 30 more days in quarantine, and through the hard moments of missing family, friends, and conversations and connections with strangers, I have found, and documented moments of joy each day. We’ve got more of a rhythm going with schooling and working from home, we are enjoying 24/7 with our 4.5 month old Goldendoodle puppy, Chloe, some open outdoor time with our neighbors, and parks have opened so we have enjoyed some stand up paddleboarding.

For days 1-30, click here.

For days 61-120, click here.