Cooper City Mitzvah Photographer | Jordan's Top Golf Themed Bar Mitzvah

I loved everything about this mitzvah!  I love that families are celebrating mitzvahs in so many ways these days, and really customizing their celebrations to honor the mitzvah child.  Jordan's Bar Mitzvah was held on a Thursday morning, early, before work and school, hence some of the sleepy faces (me too, kid!).  The Torah is read on Monday, Thursday, and Shabbat mornings, among some other holidays, but a Bar Mitzvah can be conducted any time the Torah is read.  Since in our community, congregation attendance on Shabbat morning exceeds that of a weekday service, that means Jordan's service was not crowded, easy-going, and chill.  It also meant I could walk around and take great, intimate photos to capture the moments!

Jordan did not want the typical DJ Dance festivity, so this family partied Saturday evening at Top Golf in Miami Gardens.  They had access to several golf bays, and an indoor reception space, where they brought in some games, including a pop-a-shot basketball hoop, which was a hit for him and his sports-loving friends!  

Weston Mitzvah Photographer | Aaron's Miami Dolphin's Themed Bar Mitzvah

Bar Mitzvahs are such a right of passage.  And as it gets closer and closer to my own son's Bar Mitzvah this upcoming December, every mitzvah photo I work on and look at gives me all the feelings!  But that's kind of the point of photography, right?!  An image can take us back to a particular moment, and freezing 'so you' moments in time is my fave.  Aaron was such a good-spirited mitzvah boy, who you can tell enjoys close friendships.  It was a pleasure to capture this joyous occasion, and I can't wait to see what amazing things he does as he grows!

S Family Lifestyle Photography Session

The littlest boy in this family is almost 3 years old, and will be getting his first haircut soon.  So mom scheduled a family photo session to document her little boy with the long curly blonde hair.  I let him be the star of the show, and took his lead, something I often do with young children at a photo session.  I want them to feel comfortable playing, and I also want to capture their true personality.  And in this session, there was plenty of play and personality!

Jared's Bar Mitzvah

Summer means time for mitzvah planning, and also catching up on sharing some of the amazing mitzvahs I had the privilege of capturing this year! Jared's photos are alive with the enthusiasm and excitement he had on his mitzvah day, and I love that 6 months later, looking at these images takes me back to those moments. I'm sure his family feels the same way! 🙂

Katie and Ethan's B'nai Mitzvah - Temple Beth Orr - The Venue Fort Lauderdale

After our dynamic Mitzvah pre shoot in Wynwood, I knew this was going to be a special B'nai Mitzvah.  And it did not disappoint!  Katie and Ethan made their family and friends proud when they completely rocked their service Shabbat morning.  This achievement was followed by an enthusiastic celebration that evening, with special touches that made their event especially memorable, and a blast to photograph!  There was a mime on stilts, a balloon dragon, dancing dragons, and a panda, just to name a few!  These special touches were only matched by this special family.  Their bond is beautiful to witness, and to capture!  A big mazel tov, and I wish you many more joyous simchas to come!