The brit milah (bris) is when a Jewish boy receives his Hebrew name and is circumcised on the 8th day of life. The circumcision is performed by a mohel, and this mohel has a special cover for the chair of Elijah. He has kept count of the number of women who have sat on the chair, and have become pregnant with a boy within a year, and whose bris he then performs. My eldest son, who became a Bar Mitzvah at 13 this year, was chair baby number 1,000! Today, he said he’s up to over 1,600.
I’ve really enjoyed watching this family grow. We have a newborn session scheduled for later this week, so I was super excited when mom called me this am to see if I was available to photograph her new son’s bris! I have an appreciation for attending and capturing life cycle events. Everyone in attendance was filled with love in welcoming this new baby to the community, and I hope I captured some of that.