Lavender Picking, Eastwind Drive-In in Cascade Locks, and Bonneville Dam
In Washington, we got to see how lavender grows, but as the farm was closing, we didn’t get to pick any. So when we saw the sign to pick lavender as we were leaving the Vista House, we stopped. It snips off easily with a regular pair of scissors and smells absolutely fantastic! There are a lot of bees, but they left us alone. Then we stopped at Eastwind Drive-In in the town of Cascade Locks for some ice cream. It melted and was eaten before I could snap a pic, but the soft serve cones were extremely tall, even for the size small! The kids watched someone order a size large while they were eating, and it said it reached the rooftop of the counter service window!
Our next stop was the Bonneville Dam. I’d somehow missed this in my research for the day, but I loved it, and it was one of my favorite places of the day. There’s a several story visitor center, with some historical exhibits, a rooftop view of the spillway, a fish ladder to allow the salmon to cross through, an underwater viewing area of the fish, and the power plant building was open for visitors. I could have stayed much longer and explored every detail, but everyone else explored pretty quickly, so on we went! Admission was free, but we made a donation b/c we loved our visit so much!