Lifestyle Family Photographer | Fuji X100F
Every summer before we travel, I look into adding a mirrorless camera body to supplement my DSLR and lighten my load. But to save 1 lb and some size, I can never justify it when I’m just going to add a bulky DSLR lens. This year, when I was reading reviews, one mentioned the Fuji X100F. I looked it up, since several photographers I know use small Fujis as travel cameras. The models I’d looked into prior also had larger interchangeable lenses, increasing the size and the investment. However, this model, had a 35f2 fixed lens. Which is what I take when I travel, anyway! I asked around for an endorsement and looked online for reviews, and, satisfied with my research, made the purchase.
The camera arrived this afternoon. Since my favorite muses, my kids, are at sleepaway camp for the summer, I contacted one of my clients who lives nearby to see if I could borrow her kids to try out my new equipment! I know it was a long day for this mama, and I hope the extra entertainment with the kids was just the extra fun they needed to blow off some steam!
It took some research for me to figure out what all of the buttons do, and which settings will be easiest for me to work with, but by the time I headed home, I felt like I had a pretty good handle on the equipment and would feel comfortable leaving my DSLR at home for our upcoming travel. I came home and edited a few images. Here are some of my favorites from my first time using this camera.