So You by Erica Sue

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Alina and Brett welcome Norah and Harper

My mom teaches with this mom, and on a visit to the babies, was sharing the photos I’d taken of Stella.  These twins hadn’t had their first photo shoot yet, so we connected that weekend to capture them at 4 weeks old.  To take the kind of sleepy posed newborn photos you see all over Pinterest, you need sleepy babies, and these girls were not very tired when I arrived!  So we captured some great moments of mom and dad loving their girls.  A great family shot was a goal as well.  It took a few tries to get everyone positioned just right, but I absolutely love the first portrait in this post!  A “money-shot” like that, as I like to call them, is definitely worth all of the outtakes!!  When they were ready, the girls snuggled together in their vibrating bassinet, and we were able to get a variety of shots with the various props mom had prepared, including adorably feminine head wear, a perfect pillow quote, and the bouquet from her wedding.  It was so special to be able to capture some sweet sisterly moments as they dreamed side by side. 

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